Meeting in Trondheim
In October 2022, part of our team traveled to Trondheim (Norway) for the second meeting of the “Entrepreneurial Environmental Education” (3xE) project. The aim of the project is to strengthen environmental awareness and promote sustainability in activities carried out by young people.
In addition to coordinating the next phases of the project, particularly the creation of a manual for youth workers and videos for young people, the organizations presented the results of the first phase, in which we analyzed the situation of each country and selected good practices.
As part of this project, two study visits will soon take place, one in Málaga and the other in Kaunas (Lithuania). “3xE” is a project co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by our organization in collaboration with Travelogue APS (Italy), Aktyvistai (Lithuania), and TTB Youth Organization (Norway).
#erasmusplus #3xe #internationalyouthinitiative #aiij #environmentaleducation #sustainability #environment #trondheim #norway #malaga